








15 min

Picture for PESTO

1,067,869 views  Of course, everyone knows the classic story of the pesto: basil, pinenuts, parmesan, olive oil. However, legend foretold that one could make pesto out of any nut, cheese, herb, or green. We ventured to discover the truth of the matter; please enjoy the fruit of our labor.

3 servings





For the Basil Pesto

For the Basil Pesto


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt

pine nuts

1 oz pine nuts

(~1 1/2 oz) basil leaves, packed (optionally blanched)

2 cup (~1 1/2 oz) basil leaves, packed (optionally blanched)

parmesan reggiano, grated

1 ½ oz parmesan reggiano, grated

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil

For the Kale Pesto

For the Kale Pesto


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt

roasted almonds

1 oz roasted almonds

curly kale, blanched

1 ½ oz curly kale, blanched

parsley leaves

½ oz parsley leaves

parmesan cheese, grated

¾ oz parmesan cheese, grated

pecorino cheese, grated

¾ oz pecorino cheese, grated

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil

For the Sun dried Tomato Pesto

For the Sun dried Tomato Pesto


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt


1 oz almonds

sundried tomatoes, drained + rinsed

2 oz sundried tomatoes, drained + rinsed

basil leaves

¼ oz basil leaves

parmesan reggiano, grated

1 ½ oz parmesan reggiano, grated

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil

For the Sugar Snap Mint Pesto

For the Sugar Snap Mint Pesto


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt


1 oz pistachios

sugar snap peas

1 oz sugar snap peas

fresh mint, packed

½ oz fresh mint, packed

lemon zest

1 tsp lemon zest

ricotta salata

1 ½ oz ricotta salata

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil

For the Carrot Top Pesto

For the Carrot Top Pesto


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt

pumpkin seeds

1 oz pumpkin seeds

carrot tops, rinsed

1 oz carrot tops, rinsed

parsley, packed

¾ oz parsley, packed

cotija, crumbled

1 ½ oz cotija, crumbled

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil



For the Mortar and Pestle Pesto


Add the garlic, salt, and nuts of choice to the mortar. Using the pestle, muddle the ingredients in a circular motion until it becomes a paste.


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt

pine nuts

1 oz pine nuts


Add the herbs and/or greens to the mortar. Using the pestle, pound the leaves into the garlic paste. If the leaves are taking a while to break down, add a splash of olive oil.

(~1 1/2 oz) basil leaves, packed (optionally blanched)

2 cup (~1 1/2 oz) basil leaves, packed (optionally blanched)


Once the greens have broken down, add the cheese and combine using the pestle.

parmesan reggiano, grated

1 ½ oz parmesan reggiano, grated


Add a small amount of oil at a time, pounding in between to combine the pesto, until the pesto reaches your desired consistency. If your pesto begins to break, add another sprinkling of grated cheese.

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil


Use immediately or store the pesto in an airtight container. Before closing the lid, add a thin layer of olive oil on top of the pesto to prevent discoloring. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.


For the Food Processor Pesto


Combine the garlic, salt, and nuts of choice in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse the ingredients until they are the consistency of sand.


1 clove garlic

kosher salt

1 tsp kosher salt

roasted almonds

1 oz roasted almonds


Add the herbs/greens and cheese to the food processor and process until the ingredients are combined.

curly kale, blanched

1 ½ oz curly kale, blanched

parsley leaves

½ oz parsley leaves

parmesan cheese, grated

¾ oz parmesan cheese, grated

pecorino cheese, grated

¾ oz pecorino cheese, grated


With the food processor running, slowly pour the olive oil down the feed spout. Continue processing until the sauce is thoroughly combined and homogenous.

1/2 extra virgin olive oil

2 ¾ oz 1/2 extra virgin olive oil


Use immediately or store the pesto in an airtight container. Before closing the lid, add a thin layer of olive oil on top of the pesto to prevent discoloring. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

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